4.11 | Hall Sports 

4.11.A | Hall sports are prohibited within the Residence Halls. Hall sports is defined as authorized activities involving projectiles, sticks, rackets, rope, and/or miscellaneous sports equipment inside the Residence Halls.

4.11.B | Darts/Dartboards: Due to the potential danger to both persons and property, darts and dartboards are prohibited in the Residence Halls, without permission from the Senior Director of Residential Living, or designee.

4.11.C | Projectiles: For reasons of health and safety, propelling devices such as rockets, paint guns, water balloons/launchers, catapults, slingshots, or any homemade device for the purpose of launching an object, are prohibited.

4.11.D | Rappelling: Rappelling off of any university building is prohibited.

4.11.E | Running/Roughhousing: Residents must refrain from running, rollerblading, skateboarding, skating, roughhousing, scuffing, use of water guns, use of scooters, use of motorized vehicles/cycles, throwing, bouncing, or kicking of objects in halls, stairwell, and other common areas.

4.11.F | Hover Boards: Hover boards are not permitted inside any Residence Hall.